Public Buildings

Public Building: preserve the essential social role in times of crisis

For public buildings, communities, municipalities, all public bodies and social landlord, the management of the energies of the real estate heritage raises multiple and complicated issues:
-Avoid the obsolescence of buildings with timely maintenance-Improved occupant comfort while optimizing rental charges
-Ensure a quality public service at a fair price-Be transparent for users and present accurate and automatically verified consumption reports
And above all, deal with the inevitable and expected increases in energy costs and know how to manage resource reductions, such as for water distribution, for example.
The solution lies in efficiency from two different angles:
-Energy efficiency:
-Identification of losses, leaks and other waste
-Optimize by matching energy use and consumption
-Reduce consumption and other energy-related costs such as transport, storage
-Know your needs perfectly and plan them to buy at the best price and at the best time
Operational efficiency:
-Reduce processing times and be done with Excel files once and for all
-Automate billing, subscription and other document flows
-Eradicate manual processing errors
-Visualize all your energy data of all your energies on the same software which can also be the information portal for your users
-Respond to new regulations and new reporting constraints without investing heavily
Such simplification makes it possible to promote a positive and virtuous environmental approach with elected officials, citizens and also users, citizens, as recommended by the excellent report published on Commitments towards more sobriety Energy can take many forms. They are an opportunity to maintain a more resilient society, stronger because it is able to adapt to shocks. It requires a voluntary investment. Each legal or natural person, whether a private or public actor, a company, an association, a citizen, an individual, a State or even the Confederation, can play a role (“doing one’s part” as the famous legend of the hummingbird dear to Pierre Rabhi).

A long-term energy strategy

Achieve regulatory obligations 2030… 2050…

Achieve regulatory obligations 2030… 2050…

All the countries in Europe have made similar commitments at the level of the European community or at the national level. These obligations impose a gradual reduction in energy consumption in buildings for tertiary use in order to combat climate change. These objectives aim to reduce final energy consumption by 40% in 2030, 50% in 2040 and 60% in 2050.
Communities with a duty of example and excellence also have an urgent obligation to meet these objectives and demonstrate the savings achieved.
In addition, the plan shares the ten sobriety actions proposed by the Association of French Mayors (AMF) and Intermunicipalities of France, in partnership with the Banque des Territoires and Amorce. These ten actions are:
– Targeting of inefficient buildings (based on invoices or estimates);
– The mobilization of agents by informing them, training them and appointing a “sobriety” referent per department;
– Verification of heating regulation systems and their proper use;
– Compliance with the energy code and regulation at 19°C for occupied buildings;
– Verification of the extinction of public lighting from 11 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., except on the main axes;
– Training agents in eco-driving and limiting the maximum driving speed;
– The cut off of hot water in all buildings, excluding schools and health establishments;
– The reduction in the heating season for buildings from All Saints’ holidays to Easter;
– Prohibition of electrical equipment (auxiliary heating/hand dryers);
– Switching off the lighting of monuments, facades, signs and lit windows.
A similar action plan is recommended in the Swiss Confederation as well, and apart perhaps from the point relating to eco-driving, SILENO e3m is your data collection, verification and management solution. However, the problem is the measurement of performance indices to measure the effectiveness of the various actions and the optimization of the means implemented. The use of an EMS (Energy Management Solution) platform is then essential to collect all the data automatically over the short, medium and long term so as not to increase the workload even more and to ensure the reliability and regularity of the measures. SILENO e3m is thus used by more than a hundred local authorities and as many social landlords and other housing managers.

Resist to the vertiginous increases in energy costs : from 30 to 300% in France and Europe

Resist to the vertiginous increases in energy costs : from 30 to 300% in France and Europe

According to the association of small towns in France (APVF), the energy expenditure of certain municipalities has already jumped by 50% since the beginning of 2022. For the association of mayors of France (AMF) and the National Federation of licensing and governed communities (FNCCR), these increases would vary between 30 and 300%. For its part, Intermunicipalities of France considers that the energy bill of three-quarters of intermunicipalities has doubled, even tripled or quadrupled. And yet these are only estimates likely to evolve upwards over the coming months.
The same is true, and often even more pronounced, in all other countries in Europe.
Changing your energy model is of course possible, but this requires heavy investment with already very poor budgets and also long lead times with works, development times, etc. The only short-term solution that is much easier to implement is to set up virtuous energy systems and limit unnecessary consumption as much as possible. For this it is necessary to measure again and again and collect all possible information to detect immediate savings points and make immediate savings, for example:
– Air conditioning and heating represent the largest energy consumers: controlling its operation to the presence in the premises and for example to the detection of the position of the openings allows savings of up to 20%
– Lighting is the second item of expenditure, whether exterior, interior or advertising. Controlling the lighting to activate it only when necessary (presence detection, opening hours, etc.) allows substantial savings of up to 30% on this item alone
– Water and its distribution allows immediate savings by identifying both water leaks but also an immediate gain by detecting unbilled consumption: a simple analysis of flow data consolidated with SILENO tools will identify these points

Centralize your data, distribute your consumption

Centralize your data, distribute your consumption

Multiple buildings from listed historical monuments to the most modern constructions, multiple technologies, multiple energy sources, multiple suppliers, multiple customers: the needs of local authorities, landlords and housing managers are much more complex than simply carrying out measurements energy: it is a question of having the capacity to centralize all this information, to format it in a single measurement system: to pass from BIG DATA which can often be a gigantic mass of unusable data, to SMART DATA by allowing an easy and fast analysis of this information to draw useful lessons and effective and immediate decision-making.
Less than 10% of buildings are currently controlled by technical management systems (source XERFI) even if this will become a legal obligation in 2025, but the implementation of such a system often requires large investments.
The different solutions must be differentiated by level of hierarchy:
– BMS: centralized technical management, often limited to one type of installation in a building, the HVAC system or electrical distribution for example.
– BMS: higher hierarchical level, technical management of the building or supervision, takes into account several types of installations (possibly controlled by BMS) but often confined to installation supervision
– Hypervisors: in charge of supervising any type of GTC, BMS, surveillance camera, access control application, etc. these systems are more oriented towards simplifying data presentation by offering a single human/machine interface (HMI) for monitoring global installations.
– EMS such as SILENO’s e3m solution have a very different target: collect data from all the systems mentioned, other data sources such as sensors, IOT meters, environmental data on external sites (weather, level rivers, cost of energy for example) and other IT systems such as user management, user or supplier invoicing.
e3m is independent, much easier to install because they do not require any particular installation and will draw data from existing management and control systems, existing meters and any available data source.
An EMS such as SILENO’s e3m also makes it possible to capture information upstream of installations such as data from other IT systems (management, invoicing, subscription, contracts, etc.) but also data from the web (weather data, public data on the water…) which no system from BMS to hypervisors is able to do.
This simplicity is the guarantee of a quick and easy return on investment generally in a few months.

SILENO e3m : simple and accessible, easy to implement with few special skills required

SILENO e3m : simple and accessible, easy to implement with few special skills required
SILENO e3m : simple and accessible, easy to implement with few special skills required

e3m is easy to configure and to adapt to your needs. No needs to be an energy expert to deploy your own energy management portal. In addition SILENO organize on-demand trainings.

Compliant with your national regulations
Compliant with your national regulations

Compatible with OPERAT (Observatory of Energy Performance of Renovation and Tertiary Actions) - Tertiary Decree in France and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Objectives) and the "Society at 2000W" plan of the Swiss Confederation's 2030/50 plan.

Contract & Asset Management included
Contract & Asset Management included

e3m has two complementary modules : c3m for contract management and a3m for asset management to provide an end-to-end solution


AESCH Gieβen Stadt Chur Saarlouis Les Ulis Ville de Paris Ville de Marseille Rapperswill-Jona Niestetal Den Haag

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