Manufacturing Industries

Energy makes hard times for industries

If residential and the tertiary sector or transport are at the peak the biggest consumers of energy, in data corrected for seasonal variations where the effect of heating is smoothed over the year, the industry sector takes the lead ranking. Moreover, it is the only sector where gas competes with electricity as the main source and the current gas crisis is having an even greater impact on industry, whose machines and processes cannot necessarily easily be migrated to another source of energy.
Above all, the weight of energy-related expenditure in production budgets has exploded, leading certain energy-intensive industries to temporary closure (at least we hope) such as, for example, the famous glass manufacturer DURALEX which has seen its electricity bill quadrupled between 2021 and 2022 and decided on a 6-month shutdown from November 2022 because production was simply no longer profitable.
According to UNIDEN, for the most electro-intensive companies (production of aluminium, chlorine, metallurgy or even glass, chemicals and petrochemicals, etc.), electricity represents just over 20% of the cost price of their products.
In such a crisis situation, the audit of the installations is the first measure to be put in place in order to know precisely which are the major consumers within the industrial company. The energy audit is also compulsory for companies with a workforce of more than 250 employees, or which declare a turnover of more than 50 million euros.
Thus we can highlight immediately effective actions such as:
– Know the consumption of each machine and plan the operation of the most greedy during off-peak hours
– Optimize heating/air conditioning which are energy-intensive in the large volumes of industrial buildings and adapt the temperature to the actual use of the premises
– Save industrial fluids such as compressed air for example which can be very expensive: simply stopping the compressors outside the production period is an immediate gain such as reducing pressure, the use of steam or chilled water or other types of industrial gases
– As in buildings, unnecessary or unsuitable lighting is a financial waste.
But the industry lacks metering, for example there is of course electric metering but often global and there are no or few sub-meters, per workshop, per activity or per machine and it is not possible to connect and install equipment everywhere.
Thanks to the integration of wireless battery-powered IOT sensors using, for example, the LORA protocol, e3m from SILENO makes it possible, at less cost and without installation costs, to set up a real measurement grid for all types of energy. e3m allows you to know your uses as closely as possible and to adapt the energy distribution accordingly. Major manufacturers have trusted SILENO and the returns on investment generally observed often in less than a year and rarely beyond 3 years. With the cost of energy exploding, we can think that these ROI times will be even more reduced.

Controling the costs... despite all....

Standards and more standards EN 16247-1:2012, ISO14000, ISO 26000, ISO 50001….

Standards and more standards EN 16247-1:2012, ISO14000, ISO 26000, ISO 50001….

The industry is subject to compliance with several standards:
– For the energy audit, the method and implementation are defined by standard NF EN 16247-1:2012.
– For activities related to buildings and processes, the NF EN 16247-2 and 16247-3 standards apply
But it is the ISO 50 001 standard which dates from 2011 and all the successive developments which has the mission of being integrated into a voluntary approach by companies. The objective of this standard is to structure the improvement of industrial energy performance. It is still to this day, a voluntary action and not mandatory for companies but the adoption of the standard makes it possible to avoid the mandatory and regulatory audit.
ISO 26000 was published in 2010 and on which 99 countries have worked for 5 years and whose adoption is voluntary. It describes the approaches to sustainable development, social responsibility of an organization including a large part on energy, respect for the planet…
The ISO 14001 standard defines the criteria for an environmental management system and lends itself to certification. It offers a framework that companies or organizations can apply to set up an effective environmental management system.
Already knowing and also respecting all these standards is a real challenge, but in addition having to produce the reports to justify the qualification of the company is a daunting task.
SILENO e3m is there to allow you to automatically document all your energy data from consumption to billing.

LEAN Management and Energy: same fight: You can't improve what you don't measure !

LEAN Management and Energy: same fight: You can't improve what you don't measure !

This credo of the Lean industry fully applies to energy efficiency.
For example, the ENERGY STAR challenge for industry dictated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is a global call to action for industrial sites to reduce their energy intensity by 10% within 5 years. The first 4 mandatory points are: – Establish an energy intensity measurement – Select an energy tracking method – Set a baseline and a 10% improvement target – Create a folder for all documents and a data monitoring plan.
These are exactly the purpose of the SILENO e3m portal: to allow you to have effortless and automatic access to all the reports relating to your energy consumption, whatever the form: electricity from the network or self-produced, fuel, gas, water, steam. , compressed air, special gases… and also to be able to correlate this data with environmental and process data in order to find potential savings.
In France, as in all European countries, certain energy-saving works make it possible to obtain financial assistance known as “CEE premiums”. These works are clearly defined by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and are the subject of “Standardized Operation Sheets” (FOS) drawn up by the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and which facilitate requests.
But to be able to have access to these investment aids, it is necessary to have precise reports of consumption. Here again e3m from SILENO will allow you to generate all the formats necessary to fulfill your legal obligations.

Possible savings without modifying production processes

Possible savings without modifying production processes

To save energy, it is possible to invest in new energy sources, new machines, new processes and we are here in actions that require a return on investment (ROI) analysis.
But it is also possible to carry out actions whose cost is nil or very limited. From the Deloitte Insights Energy Report: “As an example of zero cost action, in companies without an energy efficiency policy, much of their energy is wasted during periods of inactivity. (holidays, weekends or idle machines, etc.). This is called passive consumption. Just making sure everything is disconnected when not in use can save a business up to 25% of energy.”
The fastest way to save money: EnMS Energy Management System
Like Europe and other countries around the world, the USA has created the SEP program for “Superior Energy Performance”. This program uses the international energy management standard ISO 50001 as a reference.
The results are impressive: according to the US Department of Energy (DAE), SEP-certified facilities become leaders in energy management and productivity improvement. They have met the ISO 50001 standard and have improved their energy performance by up to 25% over three years, or up to 40% over 10 years.
While investments in production tools and machines, technology improvements and innovations are slow programs, costly in terms of investment and with very long return times, the adoption of an EnMS solution is immediate and brings results in a very short time.
Indeed, an EnMS solution will make it possible to highlight the most costly points in terms of energy and to set up a real culture of best energy practices. According to the sector according to the DAE, the potential for improving energy productivity is 10 to 30% simply by adopting best practices. An EnMS platform like SILENO e3m is the tool required to identify opportunities and enable continuous improvements on day 1 of its implementation.

SILENO e3m has the analysis tools to highlight all the potential savings without modifying your process: the data is there: in the supervision systems, SCADA, production management tools, meter data connected to your energy suppliers…. SILENO has the ability to connect all this equipment, standardize data formats and allow them to be stored and analyzed simply at the heart of the same data portal. For example, a simple detection of consumption peaks subject to heavy penalties from energy suppliers is very easily visualized thanks to e3m and a simple modification of the production schedules of the equipment concerned already allows significant gains. Everything is in SILENO’s ability to concentrate all of this data to detect savings opportunities.

EnMS: Energy Management Solution

Don't reinvent the wheel: Leverage existing data
Don't reinvent the wheel: Leverage existing data

e3m has all the communication protocols to fetch information from existing supervision or automation systems thanks to its experience in SCADA application.

ISO 50001 compliant
ISO 50001 compliant

Built-in logbooks for documenting measurements and entering comments and remarks, as required by ISO 50001

Immediate gain of 15 to 25%
Immediate gain of 15 to 25%

Our experience in manufacturing industries shows a immediate gain on energy costs by simply using e3m to detect and erase pics of energy consumption


Man Thyssenkrupp Berker Messer Bobst DCNS VW Karmann TRW Nestlé Ricola Lindt Roche Novartis 3M Bayer Johnson&Johnson MSD

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