Health Care Buildings

Energy crisis : one more problem...

The experience acquired by SILENO over 25 years in the field of supervision and energy efficiency has led us to consider the sector of healthcare buildings (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, etc.) as a specific field in itself and not as a simple peculiarity of tertiary buildings.
Healthcare has requirements that are quite different from commercial or office buildings. Undoubtedly, the continuity of energy service is essential but also, the sources of energy are multiplied: electricity from the network but also generators and inverters, solar self-production, heat pump, wind, biomass… for the most recent installations , water, domestic hot water, heating/air conditioning, fuel oil, gas, steam, medical fluids…. Energy management must also take into account energy-consuming points: boiler room, kitchen, medical imaging, laundry, lighting… but also priority consumption points: operating room, intensive care, emergency…. And the power source/use/priority combinations are endless.
Of course, the comfort of people should not be called into question, both by considering the fragility of patients but also by respecting caregivers whose already delicate task cannot be burdened with additional considerations.
Already often in precarious budgetary balances, the energy crisis and the increase in all energies are a new difficulty, one more, for the health sector
SILENO, thanks to its unique experience in the field of hospitals, clinics and retirement homes, with several dozen health sites installed, can help you. Thanks to e3m, an EMS solution (Energy Management Solution) you will be able to identify consumption peaks, conflicts of interest between uses and adopt economical operating modes allowing you to contain your energy costs without compromising the quality of the reception of patients and caregivers.

Energy Management Challenges in healthcare buildings

How to cope with the dizzying increase in energy costs?

How to cope with the dizzying increase in energy costs?

It’s obvious, the bills will explode and the budget forecasts with it. On the supplier side, very few solutions are available to healthcare establishments: energy inflation is generic and transversal. Even if switching from one supplier to another will allow some savings, it will be far from enough. The solution therefore involves energy efficiency: reducing consumption without reducing comfort or the services provided. Certainly, the alpha is knowledge of consumption, following the adage: you can only improve what you can measure. The SILENO e3m platform is there to take care of the acquisition of all the data, their archiving and their analysis.
Thanks to this information, e3m helps you find immediate sources of savings. For example, ANAP in France estimates that a 30% saving is possible by adapting consumption to usage, for example by placing presence detectors to judge whether or not the premises are being used. e3m will allow you to correlate any type of data and check the use of places and consumption. A very simple example: water leaks estimated at the national level at 15 to 20% of the distribution. Considering that on average in a hospital, water consumption amounts to 85 to 100 liters of water per day and per bed and 75 liters per day and per bed for a retirement home, a saving even of 10% in identifying part of the leaks using e3m’s analysis tools is already a very substantial and immediate saving.

What to do with old buildings, obsolete facilities...

What to do with old buildings, obsolete facilities...

Often thousands of square meters, often old installations with little or no digitization, complex buildings, impossible connections, meters here or there but no or few sub-meters per service or per building…
Technology is there to help you, in particular IOT (Internet of Things) sensors: sensors communicating for miles through buildings, wirelessly, operating on battery power for years and capable of measuring all types of physical quantities.
The last few years have seen the appearance of a new generation of sensors under the generic name LPWA: Low-Power Wide-Area. These sensors use wireless communication networks comparable to the communications of our telephones but using technologies that only allow the transmission of simple and limited information and in a relatively slow way (<1 second) compared to the race for 3G performance, 4G, 5G…. On the other hand, these networks allow the sensors to consume very little and therefore to be able to operate for several years on a simple battery and to have very substantial radio ranges of up to tens of km. We can cite the technologies LORAWAN, SIGFOW, NB-I0OT or even LTE-M…
SILENO has integrated all of these protocols, which allows you to freely place any type of sensor without installation or connection constraints to collect all the data you need to manage the energy efficiency of your installations. For example, one of the points often encountered is to have main meters for water, electricity, gas… but no sub-meters allowing the measurement of the consumption of a building, a service… IOT sensors LPWA then allow you to easily install a metering point wherever necessary.

How to get there with already strangled budgets…

How to get there with already strangled budgets…

The financing of the health sector hospitals, clinics, retirement homes is already a difficult case and the investment capacities are limited but the energy crisis worsens the difficulties with the considerable and unexpected increase in the costs and unavoidable expenses related to the energy. This further reduces investment capacity.
However, there are solutions…
On a technical level, a lot of information is already available, certainly more information than one can imagine. The field of healthcare buildings is in fact the one that is probably the most equipped in terms of equipment supervision: BMS systems, SCADA supervision of equipment such as boiler rooms, laundries, HVAC, access control and security, etc. However, all of its systems are autonomous and independent of each other, and do not use the same data and communication standards. SILENO e3m was designed as a cognitive solution with the ability to connect to all types of control systems and collect data from them. Thus all the data scattered in all these systems are federated within e3m and already allow you a different and global vision of your installations;
On the financial level, SILENO with its financial partners offer you innovative solutions in scalable financial leasing for example, which allow you to avoid a massive investment in a system at the moment t, in favor of a simple rental with a cost spread over a period of time of your choice, and which allows you to develop, ensure maintenance to avoid obsolescence, change or complete your e3m energy efficiency management installation.

#1 in healthcare buildings energy management

A market leader
A market leader

Switzerland has 276 hospitals and clinics (source Federal Statistical Office). More than 20% are users of the SILENO e3m solution.

Multi-technical, multi-site, multi-protocol, multi-language
Multi-technical, multi-site, multi-protocol, multi-language

SILENO e3m is a solution fully adapted to the specificities of healthcare buildings and the variety of energy sources such as the classical electricity, water, heating and others... but also critical sources such as medical gases.

25 years experience
25 years experience

SILENO AG: 25 years of experience in the energy supervision of health buildings, hospitals, clinics, retirement homes. Trusted partner with SAUTER EMS, OEM version of SILENO e3m.


City of Zurich - Waid City Hospital Cantonal Hospital ST. Gallen Freiburger Hospital - HFR Merian Iselin Clinic Helholtz Helholtz UKS IKAZIA Schulthess Clinic Diakonie Stetten CHUV Lausanne Klinikum Bayreuth Thurgau Hospital Maxima medish centrum St Claraspital BG Klinik

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